Take Part In Building The Future

Join our community membership to contribute to the development of the world’s first VR medical school.

As a member, you directly support its growth and get access to exclusive community content.

No matter what stage of medical education we need you to shape the movement.

Osmosis Partner

5 Star Reviews

Built with Unreal Engine

What’s included?

Every member supports one of our engineers to build more features and more cases. Med Valley is being built for this and the future generation of medicine and we want you to have a say in what that future looks like. Check out the features you receive.

  • Through our product update blog and our bi-weekly AMA sessions, you’ll be able to shape how the product develops and grows.

  • You receive access to exclusive content including bi-weekly AMA events, exclusive podcast content, clinical training videos, courses, and giveaways. The game is updated twice per month and community content at least weekly.

  • Engage with content and week after week you’ll find that the game becomes like a tailored suite to meet your personal needs. We couldn’t do this without you.

  • With certain milestones, we will start having monthly giveaways including VR headsets and access to other learning services. Our first giveaway happens at 500 learners with a Meta Quest 3 Headset. After that we give away one headset a month.

Med Student Reviews

What Feature Do We Have?

Our digital patients respond to speech, allowing you to have a more natural experience as you interact with patients.

Speech Interaction

Med Valley is growing and our team of developers are committed to pushing out features and cases that you want.

New Updates Monthly

This personalized clinic tracks all your cases and presents you with the next most needed care, while periodically review older cases you need to refresh.

My Clinic

The Meta Quest VR headset is the most popular headset with costs as low as $299. Our application works on the Quests 1, 2, 3, and Pro.

Used On All Quest Headsets

There are over 140 unique clinical interactions that can be performed on our virtual patients.

Physical Exams

Practice clinical reasoning with our history patients that tell you about their conditions.

History Taking

Learn & Support

The Med Valley Application is free for you to join and learn. If you want to see the application grow and take part in shaping its direction, join our Membership Community